2012. május 14., hétfő


I didn't make real too much things today. Better say I just make a lot of expectations about the future. Like making a bank card with a bank account, choosing mobile network provider, buy card from them, end expecting to hear things what gonna make me happy.

But what I did today except the expections?
Searching long and long hours for job and for the necessary things which are needed for getting one. The view is not so bright, but this is just the first day, so.
And beside this I cleaned the long-time-no-deep-cleaned kitchen, arranged the garage a littlebit and discovered the area. Not too much useful things but let's give some respect to the sun's day as well.

And take a look to my nice car, how he's sleeping in the chilling air:
(picture just later 'cause my camera and laptop have some conflict. better let them resolve it)

And what do you think about secrets. Are we able to forget them? Or they will be always there underconsciousness. I think we can forget them even if just for a while. Do somebody have some example...

But after that how good is to remind them.

Remind for a good night and dream safe!

...and who is this guy still checking the job offers in the mirror. i mean on the internet:
I don't know, who is this, 'cause Peter is already dreaming.

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