2012. május 20., vasárnap


I finished it. Emptied it, cleaned it, rearranged it. It took three hour with the spiders but it worth it. Now I had some kind of feeling, like accomplished something.
To see how does it look my let-to-use-this-time-for-something-useful accomlishment, here you go:
And to see what I had to deal with, while cleaning that place, here I present you a big and dangerous spider attacking that innocent coin:
Though they didn't mean to strong harm to my life they was not welcome in that place by me. And I even met two of them in this size. Hrr!

All right, let's put away the joking time and speak something serious.
So I checked towards this job offers, but Saturday is not the best day to find a good one. Next week will be a new opportunity so hope up!, but first let's have a Sunday. Serious things done.

And look, what can I enjoy if I let myself for it:
Maybe the picture can not give back the feeling, but this 20 years old 81cm diameter TV shows the HD really sharp and nice. This film was about the Yellowtone National Park and had amazing pictures. One more thing to keep me happy. Despite of this I'm still not, and now I know why, I have my reason for it.

But next week comes and everything will be more than wonderful. Am I right? Yes! Tyvm.

Oh! And always helps a little bit to see my bike clean:

I hope you enjoyed my picture based entry and have a pink-cloudy dream, just like I'll have. Hopefully tomorrow is more to tell.

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